Media Category: Introducing the Arctic

What is plan B? Engineering our climate

What is plan B? Engineering our climate Geo-engineering offers solutions that directly modify the Earth’s environment and climate to help ease the effects of global warming. It includes a range of techniques that deliberately manipulate the Earth’s climate to counteract the potential impacts of global warming from greenhouse gas emissions.

What is plan B? Engineering our climate

Geo-engineering offers solutions that directly modify the Earth’s environment and climate to help ease the effects of global warming. It includes a range of techniques that deliberately manipulate the Earth’s climate to counteract the potential impacts of global warming from greenhouse gas emissions.

Ocean currents map

Ocean currents map showing North Atlantic Drift

A graphic map of ocean currents

Ocean currents map showing North Atlantic Drift

Ocean currents map

Ocean currents map showing North Atlantic Drift

A graphic map of ocean currents

Ocean currents map showing North Atlantic Drift

Impact of climate change on the Russian Arctic

Impact of climate change on the Russian Arctic The impact of climate change on the Russian Arctic: analysis and paths to solving the problem. WWF-Russia – Moscow, 2008. – 28 pages.(

Impact of climate change on the Russian Arctic

The impact of climate change on the Russian Arctic: analysis and paths to solving the problem.
WWF-Russia – Moscow, 2008. – 28 pages.(

CryoSat 2

Artists impression of Cryosat-2

CryoSat 2

CryoSat-2 will monitor the thickness of land ice and sea ice and help explain the connection between the melting of the polar ice and the rise in sea levels and how this is contributing to climate change. (

Looking at the Aurora Borealis

© ginger polina bublik / Shutterstock

a man sits on some rocks looking at the northern lights

The polar arctic Northern lights aurora borealis sky star in Norway Svalbard in Longyearbyen city man mountains

Moss and lichen in the Arctic

© Maksimilian / Shutterstock

Moss and lichen growing in the arctic

Mosses and lichens are the most hardy plants and reach extreme Northern limits of Earth. Moss, prevails brium, in Franz Josef Land. Thawing of soils

Looking at the Northern Lights

© ginger polina bublik / Shutterstock

Looking at the Northern Lights

The polar arctic Northern lights aurora borealis sky star in Norway Svalbard in Longyearbyen city man mountains

Moss and lichen

© Maksimilian / Shutterstock

Moss and lichen growing in the arctic

Mosses and lichens are the most hardy plants and reach extreme Northern limits of Earth. Moss, prevails brium, in Franz Josef Land. Thawing of soils

Dawes Glacier

© Domenic Garer / Shutterstock

Glacier melts into the sea

The Dawes Glacier in the Endicott Arm of Alaska

Ice breaking up

© Dougall_Photography / istockphoto

Ice breakin up close up

Close Up of Spring Breakup of Arctic Ice

Ice breaking away

© StrahilDimitrov / istockphoto

Glaciers breaking up in sea

Ice breaking up along coast. Glaciers of Greenland. Some graphics are provided by NASA.