Media Category: Cluster

Polar bear walking

A polar bear walks across the ice.

A close up view of a polar bear walks across the ice

A close up view of a polar bear walks across the ice


A polar bear on the edge of the water.

A close up of a polar bear on the edge of the ice

A close up of a polar bear on the edge of the water

Sea ice and glacier wide

Frozen ocean surface

Sea Ice and a Glacial Landscape near the Eqip Sermia Glacier in Western Greenland

Sea ice and glacier

Sea Ice and a Glacial Landscape near the Eqip Sermia Glacier in Western Greenland

Sea ice and Eqip Sermia Glacier

Sea Ice and a Glacial Landscape near the Eqip Sermia Glacier in Western Greenland

Glacial texture

Cracks in glacier ice

Aerial view of cracks in glacier ice

Aerial view of cracks in glacier ice