Increased warming as a result of climate change may affect the frozen regions of the cryosphere first, before the effects spread to other parts of the globe.
What is the cryosphere?
The term ‘cryo’ comes from the Greek word ‘kryo’, meaning cold. The cryosphere is the frozen water part of the earth’s hydrological system.
The new Arctic
How is life adapting to the 'new Arctic' resulting from climate change?
Permanent permafrost
Permafrost - the frozen soil and bedrock underlying much of the land north of the Arctic Circle.
Reporting from the front line of climate change
SWIPA's report looks at changes facing the Arctic region, and impacts which based on their observations and research.
Boom or bust?
What is likely to be the future for the circumpolar regions?
Why will your Facebook account be frozen?
Explore social, economic and environmental implications of climate change in the Arctic region.