Polar species survive in a harsh and inhospitable environment, with sub zero temperatures, cold winds, and 6 months of darkness. They have evolved and adapted to live in these extreme conditions. However, some species are at risk.
Which of the Arctic species shown do you think are at risk?

- Why do you think they are at risk? Discuss your reasons and then check your answers. Answer all of them!
Trick question – all of them are at risk!
They are all on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species 2000 – a register of wildlife at risk, with four categories of threat:
- Go to redlist and find out more about these Arctic species and under which category they are listed.
Chain reaction
Environment • Clearing land • Logging • Building dams • Food • Shelter • Clothing • Energy • Ozone depletion • Climate change • Pollution • Soil acidity • Over-harvesting of food sources • Hunting • Importing goods from elsewhere • Transport
Complete the table: type the correct words into each box below.
What do people need to live? | Where do people get these from? | How does this affect the environment? |
Next, Draw a poster to explain the chain reaction of cause and effect of what people need, where they get these things from and how this affects the environment.
- Is your chain reaction the same as others in the class?
- Habitats provide food for Arctic animals and birds. What do you think Arctic wildlife will find to eat in this hostile environment?