Media Category: Introducing the Arctic

Permafrost in summer diagram

Diagram showing effect of climate change on permafrost in summer.

Diagram showing effect of climate change on permafrost in summer

Diagram showing effect of climate change on permafrost in summer.

Dog sleds in Anchorage 1909-20

© Everett Historical

Dog sleds leaving Anchorage in 1909

Dog teams leaving Anchorage, Alaska, c. 1909-1920. In Alaska’s winter, dog sleds were the only way to travel and delivered mail, gold ore, food, furs, and other supplies.

Roald Amundsen

Roald Amundsen in Svalbard 1925

Roald Amundsen in Svalbard 1925

Roald Amundsen in Svalbard 1925

Dog sleds in Anchorage 1909-20

© Everett Historical

Dog sleds leaving Anchorage in 1909

Dog teams leaving Anchorage, Alaska, c. 1909-1920. In Alaska’s winter, dog sleds were the only way to travel and delivered mail, gold ore, food, furs, and other supplies.